Monday, February 5, 2007

HELP! If you'd really like to do something about energy costs, the fuels crisis, terrorism and even possible global warming, read this!

My book on energy and the environment, "A Convenient Solution" is about to be released by my publisher. It's a detailed description of our current, proposed and future energy systems, how our current energy system works overall including power for transportation, and several practical methods we can use to solve our dependence on fossil fuel and associated factors that may be contributing to global warming. I named it "An Inconvenient Solution" since it is a direct answer to many questions raised but not answered by Al Gore's book.

I'm asking for your help.

My publisher tells me that the success of my book depends almost entirely on my efforts to publicize and market it. They are providing me with a marketing plan and tips on how to get my book into public notice. They have informed me my subject is the number one area of public interest right at the moment and that the timing of the book’s release could hardly be better. Here’s the rub. As an unknown person, even with a name that is almost a household word, I am going to need a great deal of help from many people to gain public attention.

In their marketing plan, my publisher tells me, "It’s mostly up to you, your family and your friends. The more they help you spread the word, the better. You only need one really good contact to get the necessary publicity to make your book a success. Unfortunately, you may have to make thousands of fruitless contacts before you make that one good one. So make all the contacts you can and don’t stop until your book takes off."

Here’s how you can help almost without effort:

Contact as many people you know of (you don’t have to know them personally) who have contact with the public as you can or give me their names and addresses and let me do the work. I will provide you with the text or write a letter or email and either send it to them under your name or prepare it so you can email it or sign it and mail it yourself. I will create the letter, address and stamp the envelope and send all in a package to you so you can sign and mail it from your home area. All you need do is provide me with the names and addresses. No need to worry about what I say in the letters as you will see and approve them before they are sent.

Examples of those to contact:

Local or national talk show hosts who deal with public interest.

Local or national media personalities, press, TV and radio, public or private also, who deal with public interest issues.

Individuals in the public eye or who speak publicly about energy, or global warming.

Anyone you think might help in the publicity or promotion of the book.

If in doubt, send the name. I can look up the address of public figures if you don’t have it.

IMPORTANT! Better to give me too many than too few. Don’t worry about duplication.

Here’s an example of the kind of message I will be sending:


James Nealon, Editor, Warsaw Times Union

Dear Mr Nealon:

I suggest you obtain a copy of, "A Convenient Solution" by Howard Johnson. It is an in-depth analysis of our growing energy crisis and what can be done to improve it and reduce the threat of global warming. From the information on the dust jacket, interested media members can obtain a media copy by emailing Mr. Johnson at It looks to me like it has sensible answers to many things Al Gore only alluded to in his book, "An Inconvenient Truth."


Al Hayes, an interested reader


If you read my book and have questions, contact me and I will be glad to answer your questions and explain the system to you in simple laymen's terms.

Oh yes! If you have any interest at all, please send me your address and I will get a copy of my book to you ASAP and absolutely free. (This applies only to those who may be involved in dealing with solutions or close friends and relatives willing to help promote my book and lecture.) Others may buy the book from me or through any bookstore after it is published.

Now for some info about the book.

I’ve talked with and worked with several writer’s groups including a really good one in St Augustine. Florida. I’ve gotten some very good vibes about my energy book. After a great deal of work, it is now in final edit at my publisher. I think it has a good chance of being a success both for the environment and for my getting my ideas in the public eye. Promotion requires a lot of hard work getting recommendations, endorsements and, above all, publicity. Exposure in the media is the name of the game.


This program need publicity! People who will read the book and can possibly provide opportunities for: media exposure, radio and/or TV interviews, lectures based on the book’s content, virtually any kind of exposure in the public eye, even on a small scale are needed desperately. I will travel to virtually anywhere I can get an audience. For those with an interest, this is a completely apolitical effort. I try to appeal to all Americans. liberal, conservative or anywhere in between. This is definitely not a Republican vs Democrat thing. Every American should want these things to happen for the good of all regardless of politics, religion, race, ethnicity or any other difference that might put us against one another.


1. Contact local media - radio and/or TV stations and newspapers. Tell them about and offer to send them a copy of the book. (See note) Then if you would follow up with a phone call and make sure they have received the book and find out what they think of it. It is important to have that personal contact from you!

NOTE: I’ll take care of doing the sending if I can get names and addresses, including email. I have pre-publication promotional copies available right now. These books cost me about $7.00 per copy to send so I need that personal contact and followup to make sure it’s worth the expense. If in doubt I can email them with my web address where the entire book can be viewed, and that costs only a few minutes of my time.

2. Contact any person you know (even remotely) who may be in the public eye to tell them about my solutions and offer to send them a book. Tell them I would be pleased to meet with them to discuss it.

3. Contact your representatives, federal and state, Senators and Congress members. Tell them about my solutions and offer to send them a book. Tell them I would be pleased to meet with them to discuss it.

4. Contact colleges and professors who may be interested. Tell them about the book and the solutions and offer to send them a book. Tell them I would be pleased to meet with them to discuss it.

5. Contact any club, church, social or political groups you may know of and offer me as a speaker. If you can get me a contact name, phone number and address, I’ll follow up and arrange time and dates.

6. After it’s published, ask your local book stores if they have it. I’ll let you know when.

7. Forward my email and my BLOG address to as many people as you can.

8. If you can come up with any other ideas, let me know. You are my network right now and may be my only chance to make a difference.


"A Convenient Solution" comes about as close to addressing the expressed concerns of many environmentalists as anything you are liable to read. It is not an emotional appeal but is the presentation of realistic and workable solutions to what many environmental spokespersons say is their greatest concern. It details the existing uses and sources of energy and those proposed.

It provides workable and economically sound solutions to many of the associated problems. It covers many of the significant things Al Gore’s much ballyhooed book doesn’t and provides real solutions that can be implemented within a few years. The three main points these solutions address are:

1) The fuel crisis including financing of terrorist regimes.

2) Carbon dioxide emissions and global warming.

3) The economics of a new, strong, American enterprise.
This book deals with some very real concerns and provides answers that are: timely, practical, economically feasible and technologically doable in a relatively short time. In short, these solutions will work, are proven and won’t cost anything near the hundreds of billions of dollars and years of research and development as the proposals that are currently getting the most attention. Application of these proven technologies to the developing countries - China, India and the like - would do a great deal more to ameliorate the environmental damage their economic expansion promises than anything else I see on the horizon.

A word about Al Gore’s book and global warming.

I read Al Gore’s book, "An Inconvenient Truth" which touched on but a single factor of the many that are proven to affect global warming. In addition to the obvious, there are several other factors I have come to understand that probably have at least as much or more to do with climate change. (the bigger picture that includes global warming) than does the "greenhouse" effect. There are many other salient factors including the following:

The variation in the heat output of the sun - dependent on many different variations in the relative positions of and distances between the earth and the sun. Some of these we are just beginning to understand.

The effects of deforestation - there are several important ones being studied which are proving to affect global climate and amounts of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.
The removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by plankton in the oceans - it appears that actually this removes more than twice the amount scientists once thought it did.

Changes in ocean currents and associated heat energy distribution - The world’s oceans are a far bigger heat sink than the atmosphere and may indeed be a major control on the average temperature much greater than any greenhouse effect. Changes in the gulf stream were the most likely cause of the "little ice age" in Europe about the years 1300 to 1400. We are just beginning to measure and understand these currents.

Changes in cloud cover caused by variation of galactic cosmic-rays is one of the latest I just read about. It seems cosmic rays trigger cloud formation - the more cosmic rays, the more clouds. The more cloud cover, the more of the sun’s heat is reflected into outer space. It is called "earth shine" (it’s what makes the dark of the new moon visible.) and we are just beginning to study it intensely and understand it. Particulate matter and acids put into the atmosphere by volcanoes along with a tiny portion by human activities may be a factor in increasing cloud cover and causing less heat to enter the atmosphere.

The variation happens mostly over tropical oceans where cosmic rays are normally very scarce. Tests conducted by a group including physicist Henrik Svensmark at the Danmarks Meteorological Institute were able to tie in much historical evidence known about the substantial changes in the Sun’s energy output and how the sunspot cycle affects the influx of cosmic rays. They found a mechanism whereby cosmic ray variations corresponded very specifically with changes in global temperatures. I quote from a book I am reading on the subject:

"The results of these studies of the galactic-cosmic ray/cloud cover mechanism indicated a contribution of heat energy to the atmosphere of about 1.4 watts per square meter. That was fighting talk to many because the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gave a very similar figure of 1.5 watts for the warming effect of carbon dioxide added to the air by human activity. In spite of a closer correlation of factors in the cosmic-ray/cloudiness hypothesis than those of the human activity theory, the panel was reluctant to give any credence to such a big effect of the Sun. It seems the group is committed to the idea that warming is due to greenhouse gasses caused by human activity and has little interest in any other theory no matter how relevant"

Emotions seem to control even so called pragmatic scientists, especially those with an ax to grind, an agenda to promote and/or a grant to obtain. If you read Al Gore’s book, did you read about any realistic solutions to the problem? I don’t think so, except maybe conservation which addresses only a small part of what is a huge and growing global set of problems. It is an emotional appeal, capitalizing on fear and offering little in the way of concrete knowledge or solutions. What is needed are practical, economical solutions that address: increasing petroleum costs, global warming, the environment, social and economic issues, and even national defense. I firmly believe I have proposed just such solutions and timely at that. To read more on this subject, Click here!

My attention and effort is on the whole problem and I have a pretty good and realistic idea what that is. I happen to be quite knowledgeable in both the oil industry where I worked for several years, and the science and technological challenges of our declining environment. I am one of those rare "generalists" in the fields of science and engineering who’s knowledge and experience cuts across many fields, some of which are very diverse. A sort of "Jack of all trades and Master of none" and not in a negative way. I could make a real contribution if given half a chance. I am trying to make that chance happen.

I’ve thought of all kinds of stunts to get publicity in the media and may try a few of the easier ones, but I still need a leg up. I’ve sent books to numerous radio and TV personalities on both the local and national level. I was interviewed on one talk radio show in Orlando as a result of literally dozens of calls and drop-offs. Not much to show for my effort, but that one guy was really interested. He’s probably the only one who, so far, actually looked at my book other than family and friends. Please help me change that.

For more information on global warming, Click Here!

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